Jelly Roll

Aesthetic Skin Treatment At FacesByBae
This treatment targets the delicate area under the eyes to reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles effectively. Using a gentle yet effective formula, this treatment smooths and revitalises the skin, providing a more youthful and alert appearance. Ideal for those looking to refresh their look without invasive procedures, our Jelly Roll Anti-Wrinkle treatment ensures your beauty and comfort are prioritised.

Procedure Duration

10 to 12 Sessions


Not Required


Minimal to no downtime

What is Jelly Roll Anti-Wrinkle Treatment?

The Jelly Roll Anti-Wrinkle treatment at Faces By Bae involves the precise application of Botox under the eyes to smooth out ‘jelly roll’—the wrinkle or skin that bunches when you smile. This treatment enhances the under-eye area, making it look smoother and more youthful.

How Much Does Jelly Roll Anti-Wrinkle Treatment Cost?

Jelly Roll Anti-Wrinkle treatment at Faces By Bae starts is £100. Our pricing reflects our commitment to using only the highest quality materials, ensuring effective and lasting results without compromising affordability.

How Many Sessions Are Needed for Jelly Roll Anti-Wrinkle Treatment?

Most clients achieve noticeable improvements with just one session of Jelly Roll Anti-Wrinkle treatment. However, depending on individual skin types and the depth of wrinkles, some may benefit from additional sessions. Touch-ups can be done annually to maintain a youthful appearance.

What is the Downtime for Jelly Roll Anti-Wrinkle Treatment?

One of the major advantages of the Jelly Roll Anti-Wrinkle treatment at Faces By Bae is the minimal downtime required. Most clients can resume their normal activities immediately after the procedure. There might be minimal swelling or bruising, which typically subsides within a few hours.

How Long Does Each Jelly Roll Anti-Wrinkle Treatment Procedure Take?

Each session of Jelly Roll Anti-Wrinkle treatment is quick and efficient, usually taking about 10 minutes. This makes it an excellent choice for clients with busy schedules, looking for significant improvements without a major time commitment.

What is the Pain Threshold for Jelly Roll Anti-Wrinkle Treatment?

The discomfort associated with the Jelly Roll Anti-Wrinkle treatment is generally minimal.

What Results Are Expected from Jelly Roll Anti-Wrinkle Treatment?

From the Jelly Roll Anti-Wrinkle treatment at Faces By Bae, clients can expect:

Smoother Under-Eye Area

Significant reduction in fine lines and wrinkles.

Refreshed Appearance

A more youthful look under the eyes.

Enhanced Comfort

Minimal discomfort during and after the procedure.

Are There Limitations to Jelly Roll Anti-Wrinkle Treatment?

While the Jelly Roll Anti-Wrinkle treatment is effective for smoothing out under-eye wrinkles, it is not designed to address dark circles or significant under-eye bags. Clients seeking more extensive under-eye rejuvenation may need to consider additional treatments.

What Aftercare is Required for Jelly Roll Anti-Wrinkle Treatment?


Avoiding Strenuous Exercise

Refrain from heavy physical activity for the first 72 hours.


Gentle Skincare

Use mild, non-irritating products around the eye area to avoid inflammation

At Faces By Bae, we ensure each client feels well-informed and confident about their treatment choices. The Jelly Roll Anti-Wrinkle treatment represents a superb option for subtly enhancing your natural features and achieving a rested, youthful look safely.

Frequently Asked Questions

Will Jelly Roll Anti Wrinkle interfere with my makeup?

Not at all! Although make-up should be avoided for 6 hours post procedure on the treatment area.

Can Jelly Roll Anti Wrinkle be used on sensitive skin?

Yes, it’s suitable for all skin types.

Can Jelly Roll Anti Wrinkle help with under-eye bags?

No, this procedure reduces the appearance of the winkle or skin that bunches when you smile it does not reduce permanent eyebags.

Can Jelly Roll Anti Wrinkle be used by men?

Absolutely! Skincare knows no gender, and men can benefit just as much from the wrinkle-fighting effects of Jelly Roll.

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