Gummy Smile Correction

Gummy Smile Correction at FacesByBae
A targeted approach designed to balance and enhance your smile without invasive procedures. Using expert techniques such as Botox or dermal fillers, this treatment subtly adjusts the lip and gum line, minimising the exposure of gum tissue when you smile. Ideal for those looking to achieve a more proportionate smile in a non-surgical manner, our Gummy Smile Correction ensures that your beauty and comfort are our utmost priorities. Discover the transformative impact of this simple yet effective treatment at Faces By Bae and smile with renewed confidence.

Procedure Duration

10 to 12 Sessions


Not Required


Minimal to no downtime

What is Gummy Smile Correction?

Gummy Smile Correction at Faces By Bae involves the precise application of Botox or dermal fillers to reduce the elevation of the upper lip during smiling, thereby lessening
gum visibility. This treatment is quick, minimally invasive, and effectively enhances the aesthetic harmony of your smile by adjusting how much gum shows when you smile.

How Much Does Gummy Smile Correction Cost?

Gummy Smile Correction at Faces By Bae starts at £100, varying with the type and amount of product used. Our pricing is a reflection of our commitment to providing accessible, top-tier aesthetic treatments, allowing you to improve your smile without a substantial financial burden.

How Many Sessions Are Needed for Gummy Smile Correction?

Many clients see desirable results from Gummy Smile Correction in just one session. The effects, particularly when using Botox, last approximately 3 to 4 months, after which follow-up treatments might be necessary to maintain the aesthetic.

What is the Downtime for Gummy Smile Correction?

One of the significant advantages of Gummy Smile Correction at Faces By Bae is the little to no downtime required. Most clients can resume their normal activities immediately after the procedure, with potential minor swelling or tenderness at the injection sites typically subsiding within a few days.

How Long Does Each Gummy Smile Correction Procedure Take?

Each Gummy Smile Correction session is quick and efficient, typically taking about 20 minutes. This short duration makes it a convenient option for clients with busy lifestyles, offering a noticeable improvement in smile aesthetics without a significant time commitment.

What is the Pain Threshold for Gummy Smile Correction?

The discomfort associated with Gummy Smile Correction is generally minimal. Local anaesthesia is often applied to the treatment area to minimise any pain, ensuring a comfortable experience for most clients.

What Results are Expected from Gummy Smile Correction?

From Gummy Smile Correction at Faces By Bae, clients can anticipate:

Reduced Gum Visibility

A less gummy smile by limiting the upward movement of the upper lip.

Balanced Smile Aesthetics

Enhanced harmony between the gums, teeth, and upper lip for a more proportionate look.

Boosted Confidence

The ability to smile freely and confidently without concerns about excessive gum exposure.

Are There Limitations to Gummy Smile Correction?

While Gummy Smile Correction effectively reduces the appearance of a gummy smile, it is suited for mild to moderate cases. Severe cases might require more advanced surgical interventions.

What Aftercare is Required for Gummy Smile Correction?


Avoiding Strenuous Exercise

Limit heavy physical activity for the first 24 hours to minimise swelling.


Gentle Care

Be gentle when brushing your teeth or applying makeup near the treated area to avoid disrupting the treatment.


Follow-up Treatments

Schedule follow-up sessions as recommended to maintain the desired results.

At Faces By Bae, we are dedicated to providing each client with personalised consultations and care tailored to meet their aesthetic goals. Gummy Smile Correction is just one of many treatments we offer to help you look and feel your best.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why do some people have gummy smiles?

Some folks have shorter upper lips or excessive gum tissue, causing their gums to show more when they smile.

Can a gummy smile affect my confidence?

Absolutely! Feeling self-conscious about your smile can impact your confidence, but there are treatments available to help.

Is there a non-surgical fix for a gummy smile?

Yes! Treatments like Botox injections can relax the muscles that elevate the upper lip, reducing gum exposure.

Are there any side effects of Vitamin C injections?

Side effects are rare but may include minor pain at the injection site or mild digestive issues.

Do genetics play a role in having a gummy smile?

Definitely! Genetics can influence the size and shape of your lips and gums, affecting your smile.

Can braces fix a gummy smile?

Sometimes! Braces or other orthodontic treatments might help by repositioning the teeth to cover more of the gums when you smile.

Does age affect a gummy smile?

It can! As you age, changes in facial structure and muscle tone might alter the appearance of your smile, including gum exposure.

Are there exercises to reduce a gummy smile?

Not really! Unlike some facial muscles, the ones responsible for lip elevation aren’t easily toned through exercises.

Will fixing a gummy smile change the way I speak?

Probably not! Unless your treatment directly affects the position or function of your lips or mouth, it shouldn’t impact your speech.

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