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Nasolabial Folds


15 minutes


pre-numbed for 25 minutes


may experience bruising and swelling

As we age, our skin matures and begins to show signs of ageing. Unfortunately, the nasolabial folds, also known as nose-to-mouth lines, are one of the first areas to show signs of ageing. However, nasolabial fold filler can dramatically treat this concern!

The nasolabial folds are recognised as the lines either side of your nose and mouth that sit vertically on the face. They are prominent when we smile, and this natural regular movement encourages a line to appear over time. The line becomes more prominent with age due to the reduction of collagen and elasticity. This causes the skin in this area to weaken and even ‘sag’, making us look older.

Nasolabial fold filler is a popular treatment that can dramatically improve the appearance of these lines in an instant, taking years off your appearance! Dermal filler is placed carefully in this area to fill any deep lines, yet it’s subtle enough that no-one would notice!

Nasolabial fold filler is popular amongst younger and older clients for different reasons, when preformed on younger clients it is used as a prevention, to slow down the signs of ageing and we often get the feed back ‘my make up applies so smooth and beautiful after treatment and no longer creases throughout the day leaving me looking flawless all day!’ And when preformed on older clients we can reverse the signs of ageing by smoothing out and filling the areas that has begun to wrinkle and crease.

Leave our clinic looking refreshed, rejuvenated and youthful!