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Cheek Filler


15 minutes


pre-numbed for 25 minutes


may experience bruising and swelling

Cheek fillers are injections that raise the volume of the area above and around your cheekbones. This provides the illusion of a more defined bone structure. By injecting volume under your skin layer, cheek fillers can also smooth out wrinkles and fine lines. Cheek fillers can also add volume when the face has loss volume due to age or weight loss. 

Cheek fillers can make your face look slimmer or fuller depending on your face shape and desired outcome they can also give you a more heart shaped face. 

What Are The Benefits Of Cheek Fillers?

Compared to alternatives such as surgical facelifts and cheek implants, there are a number of benefits to having cheek dermal filler treatments:

Little anaesthesia needed (numbing cream) quick recovery time, medium-term results that are not permanent and easily reversible, low risk of serious complications in the right practitioner’s hands, easy to increase or reduce the amount of filler to your desired results, and the treatment plan can be phased over a number of weeks or months and is less expensive than surgical treatments.

It is popular amongst our clients to combine cheek fillers with other areas of injectables including jaw and chin to give a full face reshape and contour.